3M Automotive Fillers & Repair


Body Fillers for Cars

Automotive body fillers are a handy addition to your garage as they can improve the look and feel of a damaged car. These fillers are often used in the auto body repair industry to repair cars damaged in accidents where the structural damage is limited to cosmetic repairs. 

What Types of Automotive Fillers and Repair Supplies Does Strobels Supply Provide? 

At Strobels Supply, our range includes several supplies to complete a body filler project. These include: 

  • Auto body fillers: There are several body filler products available, such as Bondo body filler, that range from those exclusively used in the automotive industry to those used in the marine sector. The bonding and adhesion are essential, and you should consider the finish you desire, such as a super smooth finish to automotive paint with no visible pinholes. Body filler product is used to cover deep scratches, rust spots and minor dents that remain after you've sanded and pushed out dents as much as possible.

  • Filler hardeners: Hardeners range from cream hardeners to liquid resin and wet-look hardeners. The hardener creates a chemical reaction that protects the painted finish of a car. 

  • Foam fillers: Two of the more common fillers include flexible foam and rigid pillar foam. The flexible foam is used for insulation and can expand up to ten times its original size. Once dry, it hardens into place. The rigid pillar foam expands into place to fill gaps and holes in cavities. 

  • Lens repair films. Lens repair film is used as a high-strength repair option for signal lights and curved tail lights. 

  • Putties: Spot putty, finishing putty filler and glaze putty are some of the putty options used to repair damage to cars. 

  • Repair and restoration kits: When you're doing a car restoration, there's a good chance that other components of the car were also damaged. There are several restoration kit options, such as leather and vinyl repair, headlight repair and body repair kits. 

  • Repair adhesives: Repair adhesives improve the structural integrity of the bond as it bonds backup strips to sheet molded compound, traditional fiberglass, and primed metal to prevent sag. 

  • Repair patches: Patches offer a quick solution to auto repair work with a smooth, clear finish. 

What Are the Benefits of Using Body Fillers for Cars? 

Body fillers have several benefits, including: 

  • It improves the look of the car after an accident and creates better aerodynamic flow by smoothing out the surface. 

  • It's a cost-effective alternative to panel replacement.

  • It saves time as the labor expended is far less than panel replacements.

  • You may get a better price if you're looking to sell the car after the repair than leaving it as is. 

Are Different Formulas Available to Fit a Variety of Car Models and Paint Colors? 

There are different formulas of body filler, as the components of the car may only be suitable for some types. For instance, certain fillers are best suited to aluminum panels. Examples include epoxy, fiberglass, polyester and self-leveling. It's also important to match the flowable finishing glaze to the correct model and paint colors for the best effect. 

How Often Should I Use Body Fillers for My Car? 

Body filler should be used sparingly and according to the guidelines and industry standards to ensure that the car's structural integrity remains intact. The frequency with which you use body filler will depend on the level of damage experienced, the conditions the car is kept in and whether regular maintenance and upkeep are performed. 

Is It Easy to Apply Automotive Fillers Myself, or Should I Get Help From a Professional? 

While it's possible for a DIY enthusiast to tackle body repairs themselves, it should be done with the utmost care. A proper body filler job has the potential to improve the structural integrity of a car; however, a bad job can have the opposite effect. If you're in doubt about attempting the job, enlist a professional's help. 


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